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Fairbanks Tennis Association

Your local community tennis organization, providing Tennis Fun in the Midnight Sun!

Support Your Local Community Tennis Organization

The Fairbanks Tennis Association (FTA) is a qualified 501(c)3 non-profit Alaska corporation sanctioned by the United States Tennis Association as USTA Community Tennis Association.  The FTA is governed by an elected volunteer  board and is supported solely by member fees, occasional grants from USTA, other tennis organizations and donor contributions.  Donations help support a wide variety of FTA programs and provide seed money for matching grants. Donations are fully deductible to the extent allowed by law. 

If you’d like to contribute to the mission of FTA, we could use your support in many ways...


Donate to FTA or become a Sponsor

Review the many donation/sponsorship opportunities available: FTA donation form for download

Contact Sabine Siekmann (FTA President) with questions about any of the sponsorship opportunities.
You can also send a check directly to FTA:
PO Box 73993 
Fairbanks, Alaska 99707

Volunteer your help or expertise with events.

Email FTA at [email protected] if you can help.

Fred Meyer shoppers:

link your Rewards Card to FTA to earn an FTA donation from Fred Meyer at


Amazon shoppers:

designate FTA at https://smileamazon to earn FTA money from Amazon.

United Way of Tanana Valley

at; designate FTA.

Become a Board Member

Talk to any board member or email FTA at [email protected] if you are interested in serving on the board.

Play tennis! 

Add a donation to your program registration

Whenever you are registering for any of our paid programs, the final screen gives you the option to support FTA through a donation.

Donate to the Endowment Fund.

The Fairbanks Tennis Association is looking to the future and planning for continuity and growth. To make certain FTA has the financial security to continue to offer our low-cost programs, we have established an Endowment Fund.

The Endowment Fund contains donated funds specifically designated for the Endowment Fund. These contributions will remain in perpetuity. At no time will FTA invade the contributions. The principal contributions will continue to grow. Only the income from the funds will be used to supplement FTA fundraising.

Would you like to leave a legacy to your community?

If you would like to discuss the Endowment Fund or become a Founder, please call Gwen Ramras at (907)388-8334.

Contact Us

Fairbanks Tennis Association

PO Box 73993 
Fairbanks, Alaska 99707

Phone: 907-455-4301
Email: [email protected]

Fairbanks Tennis Association

PO Box 73993 
Fairbanks, Alaska 99707

Phone: 907-455-4301
Email: [email protected]
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